I visited here several years ago. My mom noticed it on her carpool to and from work, and wanted show it to me. I believe it's demolished and lives as something else now. I will say that the property felt much larger than these pictures make it out to be.
What you see pictured above is the building in which the last few pictures on this page were taken. Closer to the entrance was an fairly large office building--fairly large in that usually I've seen ~35'x35' buildings or trailer-offices that sit on properties like these, but this was a full on office building with plenty of rooms in a large square.

Patterns and textures and mindless glue sigils on the walls, pink crystaline fiber fluff in piles on the floor. The true ingredients of Office Building.

We entered the office building through this broken window. There was glass and insulation in clumps and piles, strewn about, etc. When entering through that broken window, the picture on the right is the view directly to your right. The next two pictures are of what was straight ahead.

left is with flash, right is without. We didn't venture out into the hallway, although I really wanted to.

From what I can remember, this was a standalone building between the office building and the large warehouse pictured first in this series.

As is typical for abandoned buildings, there was plenty of faux-satanic spray paint art. This was the largest place I had explored at the time, with admittedly much less spray paint art (not to mention much more tame in imagery/wording) around than probably any other place I'd been through, but something about it still made me uneasy. Or maybe I was just nervous about being in a large open area. I can't say, really.

This is the open door we walked through to get into the warehouse. There were also several large open garage doors leading in, of course.
I thought I had a picture of it, but it's probably lost now... But when first walking through this door, you see a wall running half the width of the building (on your right) full of offices. Not having ever been in this sort of warehouse at the time, it seemed sort of funny and out of place. I only went throughthe first two offices, pictured below as two doorless entryways into shadowy rooms. I also went through one of the tiny bathrooms, but there wasn't much to see.

The area to the left was just a toppled-over toilet.

I think this was the other half of the wall shared with the offices... but maybe this image is actually part of the previous standalone building... I don't quite remember.

The other end of the warehouse from the area we entered.

I stared into this pool for a long time.

By the time we walked to this end of the building, a huge huge white owl launched itself, presumably from somewhere near the ceiling or that circular fan that light is shining through...
It flew over our heads, the wooshing of its wings reverberating and stoppping me and my mom in our tracks. We stared at it, watching its path from this area to near where we entered. It flew out of the building. It didn't occur to me to take a picture of it until it was almost too late, and my camera was being fussy about focusing on it. By the time it focused the owl was gone. I took a picture anyway thinking maybe I'd at least have a white blob to point at as proof, but there was nothing.
These pictures are all I have left of the place. I grabbed a sign that had the company name and the date it was closed and other information I meant to look up later, but that somehow disappeared too. It was a yellow sign out of that plastic sign material that seems like corrugated cardboard in plastic form. I asked my mom so many times if she had thrown it away for any reason, and while I don't rememver exactly what happened, I think that ended up being the case.